With the rapid development of industry in modern society, different electrical equipment are produced, which also drives the development of some invisible industrial chain, such as industrial endoscope industry chain. Many people don't know what the device is for when they hear the name, but just from the meaning of endoscope, we can know that it is an observation equipment, like a microscope, which can help us observe the environment and structure that our naked eyes can't easily observe, such as the interior of automobile parts.
汽車的內(nèi)部充滿油污,而汽車檢測內(nèi)窺鏡因為要適應各種各樣的生產(chǎn)環(huán)境和惡劣的觀測條件,因此它必須具備防水防油污等功能,如此才能對各種環(huán)境條件下的商品結(jié)構(gòu)進行觀測。一個合格的內(nèi)窺鏡,必須能防止油污的浸染,也能防止液體的侵蝕,內(nèi)窺鏡的鏡頭在各個環(huán)境下是否能保持清晰、是否能夠360度無死角的進行全 方位的觀測,都是評判一個內(nèi)窺鏡是否合格的標準。就拿汽車來說,通常汽車內(nèi)部零件的結(jié)構(gòu)都異常復雜和精細,只有身形小巧、能通過各個縫隙進入到零件內(nèi)部,觀測到內(nèi)部狀況的內(nèi)窺鏡才具有實用價值。

The interior of the car is full of oil, and the automobile inspection endoscope must have the function of waterproof and anti oil, because it needs to adapt to all kinds of production environment and bad observation conditions, so it can observe the commodity structure under all kinds of environmental conditions. A qualified endoscope must be able to prevent the contamination of oil and the erosion of liquid. Whether the lens of the endoscope can be kept clear in all environments, and whether it can conduct all-round observation 360 degrees without dead angle, are the criteria to judge whether an endoscope is qualified. Take the car for example, the structure of the internal parts of the car is usually extremely complex and fine. Only the endoscope which is small and can enter into the parts through various gaps and observe the internal conditions has practical value.
In the process of industrial production, including the production and use of automobile parts, there will be more or less oil contamination and erosion, so the automobile inspection endoscope must also be based on the internal structure of automobile parts and the degree of oil corrosion, in line with the standards and specifications of production and design, and in the development process, give its anti oil, waterproof and other functions, so as to adapt to automobile repair Management and installation process in a complex environment.